Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone! hahaha

It's been busy the past few days. Preparing for Christmas, baking, wrapping, thinking what to buy, what to wear and busy EATING!

Hahaha! I've been eating a lot but the food is SOO GOOOOD!!

Especially the turkey! I looove turkey and the roast potatoes! And the stuffing! And the garlic bread! And the desserts!

Well of course it's exciting since all this is done only once a year. Good thing we don't eat turkey at just any time of the year. :))

My cousins came down, F1 F2 F3, with Uncle Nanna and Aunty Marina of course. Then there are my first cousins with Uncle and Aunty who live here. So we had a celebration with them on the night of Christmas Eve. And all I can just say is that it was AAWESOME! I had a lot of fun with them and we laughed like crazy!

We played charades and my cousin who was in crutches and a wrapped up leg was the enthusiast. She was so funny and we all had fun. We cracked crackers, a chain. We took photos and group photos. Haha. Then watched a series--can't remember what it's called.

Clock struck 12 and we yelled Merry Christmas. Soon after that we went home because it was late and everyone was tired... Tired but happy. Hahaha.

And I didn't forget to mention :)) we exchanged presents, tucked them under the tree and waited in sleep for morning to come.

We got a lot of wonderful presents...I just feel bad we didn't get anything else for my mum because her gift the most expensive gift of all. Haha, but I really do hope that that was enough for her :)

So that's it. The day before that was Christmas lunch at Tok Tek's and the night after was Christmas dinner at Mr Edward's. Food was enjoyable every where! Thank you Dear God! Haha!

So nighty-night! Sleep well readers!

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